Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Do SBW chase the wrong types of men?

·         There is this common trend in how some African American women choose and pick their men. From Analyzing black literature you can see black women pursuing men who they know do not meet their standards. In waiting to Exhale we can see this stereotypical strong black woman, and her self crushing love displayed by the character Robin in the popular Terry McMillan novel,  Waiting to Exhale. This is a successful educated woman, who is looking for the ideal man to complete her and bring her joy, which she cannot find, and has an undercover relationship with Russell who already was proven to be a guy with many red flags in the beginning.  “When I first met Russell, he was living with some woman in this super deluxe apartment complex, but he  came home from work one day and she had moved out, and took everything. I was tired of laying low, and sneaking. Tired of him getting up in the middle of the night to go home, and really tired of not being able to call him except when she was out of town….I Went over a few times but I never slept with him in their bed. “ These are some examples of how these women know  for themselves that these men are no good from the beginning and continues to pursue them. Going to great lengths to provide and help, that they handicap themselves emotionally, financially, and psychologically.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Black Male Bashing

I do believe that men get bashed way more then women and the reason for that is because we hold a lot of expectations of ourselves which sometimes hurt us. Most men including myself wants to accomplish things in life to become a strong successful man and it end up hurting majority of us in the long run. Being born a black male you have already labeled yourself as being bashed by the media and I personally think many young black males feed into what the media says. For example, Tiger Woods was one of the richest golfers in the world. After finding out he cheated on his wife the media blew things up way out of proportion to the point where everyone got tired of turning to ESPN. The point i was trying to prove is that no matter what people will talk bad about you (bash) until you prove them wrong and become successful.